2015.09.27 - Santiago, Chile - Santiago Gets Louder
Another thing that I've managed to get directly from the taper. Really shaky at the start (I-E-A-I-A-I-O - B.Y.O.B.), but later it gets much better as you can see on the screens. Pretty close as well. Audio is very good I think, sometimes distorted though.. The crowd is loud, but not annoying, just energetic.
- Format: MTS
- Size: 1,96 GB
- Chapters: No
- Menu: No
- Type: Proshot
- Lenght: 00:18:46
- Resolution: 1280:720
- Video Quality: A-
- Audio Quality: A-
- I-E-A-I-A-I-O
- Suite-Pee (transitioned into...)
- Attack (cut)
- Soldier Side - Intro
- B.Y.O.B.
- Hypnotize
- A.T.W.A.
- Question! (cut)